Thursday, May 14, 2009

ni bonzer..member atau couzn ar..
cam xmoe ngaku lak..haha..
name penuh nurhalili..
name bapak lembut...
tp badan cam gajah..
die xkuat
mane pown..
kene pukul skit nanges bg tau mak..
suare xsedap..
serious sape dengar..
nangis abis..
kalau die bawk moto memang laju..
tp akibat berat badan..
moto die ley pegi 60km/h
kalau tolak berat 60 kilo..
bole naik meter 120km/h..
die suke kat sorg budak nie.
name asma..
tp hitam..
blagak cam tip top..
ade skali tu borak jap ngan die..
ko pandai bace engglish x?? (dalam hati nak test la terel kew x budak nie..bab poyo sgt..)
terel gak..nak tengok... (sambil membaca cam budak darjah satu)
(dlm hati nak kesian) pastu aku tanye la die carry on maksud die pae.. soalan bapak bodo aku bg.. die jawab ngan konfident.. hidup bawak..
aku pown ape ag..
trus bla jew dr situ..
bab nak ketawa depan2 kesian..
tp mengenang kan si bonzer punye kekasih..
xpe arr..
busan hari nie..
xde pape yg menarik langsung..
esok ade kowt..
moto wajah baru..


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I'm not very good at writing about myself, but I'll give it a shot. Among some of my unique qualities are a strong determination and a sharp mind. I love to read and learn. I believe in working hard, and a commitment to your job. My philosophy of work is the same as my relationships, rarely one to run when things rough. I believe in communication, and speaking the truth. I can't stand mindgames, and I am not one for subtleness so if you have something to say, then say it, no guessing games. You'll find that I'm pretty easy going, a good man, and a dependable friend once you get to know me. I've been told that I'm a smartass. I can find humor in just about anything, and my humor at times is a little twisted. I've had my ups and downs, but you know what, you have to keep moving and not let it get you down. There are no guarantees in life, You have to take chances! Worst case scenario is that you screw up, but oh well, Pick yourself up and move on, but if the chances pay off then look at what you have gained.